Saturday 31 March 2018

Some night shots

This section is for a few night shots I was playing around with recently . The subject here is the Royal Ontario Museum and its very unique architecture . The light as seen in here is only reflected light from various unseen sources upon its titanium shell . Yes, I did some post production , but actually, very little . To see the images as full sized , simply click onto them .

Monday 19 March 2018

Adding more new images today

I am adding a few new images today from various random shoots .

More abandoned spaces

Out and about


What  secrets are on the other side

Random shots

Sunday 18 March 2018

A Variety of shots for today

I recently  got myself a new camera and have been playing around with it for a while , getting used to its features . Some of these images today are shot with it, while others are shot with other cameras I have had for a while . 

I love exploring old, abandoned buildings

here is some " urban destruction "

what the hell did I run into here ?

A much nicer view

life on the beach

a murder investigation