Wednesday 9 May 2018

Something new , something old

Today , I am adding several images , bit new , and old .

This first image was a building on the corner of Yonge and Gould street in Toronto which caught fire , later proven to be an arson fire . This is the demolishon of this building . The lost is still a vacant lot .

This next image is one I shot just after 9-11 , when just about every film and television production tied to shoot something around that event . Of course , this is in Toronto , on the corner on York and wellington .

This is NOT a real photograph, rather, it is a photoshopped image I created .

This next image is one I shot during the G20 riots here in Toronto in 2010 . This image is the officer assist call n queen street where a staff sgt, was trapped in his car by violent anarchists , who set his car on fire while he was still inside . These officers got to him in time to rescue him . He was in injured thanks to these cops racing to his rescue.

The next two images of from two different races at two different race tracks . One shows World champion race driver Emerson Fitipali at the Toronto Molson Indy  holding on pit road ready to speed out , while to second image is Paul Tracy lighting up his tires in Louden New Hampshire as he exits Pit road .

A few random images ( these are the new ones )

Lastly , the new few images are from the 2018 Ontario Police memorial event which is held every year on the first Sunday in May

Monday 2 April 2018

Something a little different

Hello everyone. My viewers are used to seeing me post images I shot my self . However, one of the things I do , and I think , very well , is create images that do not actually exist . I am a well trained user of photoshop , and as such I like to , from time to time, create images that indeed , do not actually exist. Today, I will showcase some of these images .

These images you see here are the creation , through the use of , several images .. in some case , 10 - 20 images , to create one single image . In some cases , I may only use a cloud, or  any one of  the small images you see within the main , presented image  :

These are actual photographs , untouched

Now for the photoshoped images

This last one is my favorite

Saturday 31 March 2018

Some night shots

This section is for a few night shots I was playing around with recently . The subject here is the Royal Ontario Museum and its very unique architecture . The light as seen in here is only reflected light from various unseen sources upon its titanium shell . Yes, I did some post production , but actually, very little . To see the images as full sized , simply click onto them .