Friday 17 August 2012

Today, i add some images from this years Pride Parade and festivities. Pride is one of Toronto's premier events , attracting over a million persons to watch the parade alone, never mind the many others who linger on Church Street. I have been going to pride for many years now, and this year, i was able to obtain  media cred to shot the entire weeks worth of fun and festivities. 


One of the draw backs of living in a populous city is that sometimes, we are witness to serious crimes against each other . While I was not witness to what took place at Dundas Square, a stabbing of a security guard who caught some people breaking into cars in a parking garage, I happened upon the scene just a few moments after the call went out.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Its been a few weeks since I posted new images so i wished to add some of the better one from fairly recent events

The first set of images is from a recent TTC bus crash on Peter Street. The crash looks worse that what it was. Three persons did sustain minor injuries as a result

On August 13, 2012, Prime Minister Harper came to Toronto to officially open the newly renovated  Maple Leaf Gardens, which is now owned by my school , Ryerson University. As a student of Ryerson University, I cannot express how proud I am that my school owns of the greatest shrines of the hockey world. Thank you President Levy for making this happen and ensuring that Ryerson University is a school that will never be forgotten.  A thank you as well to the security detail of the Prime Minister  for allowing me to get as close  as I did , allowing these great images.

The August long weekend was also the weekend that Toronto holds its annual Caribana festival.  This festival attracts close one million persons to Toronto each year.


Toronto Police Service were kept busy with a shooting in the down town core over the August civic holiday long weekend . In this case, the persons were only injured but when guns are part of the violence, it can easily lead to a fatality. Thanks to our  Police officers , they solve these crimes using science and old fashioned detective work .

Toronto is a busy spot for the film industry and one of the most popular TV shows, Flash Point is filmed right here. This year marks the last season this show will be filmed . These images are from the last episode of the series. 

Toronto hold many events and parades each year. The personalities of these events are quite interesting, as are the costumes .
